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Everything about Abscess/Boils and it Homeopathic Treatment


An abscess is a localized infection on any part of the body or organ, whereby there is inflammation, swelling, pus formation, and painfulness; with or without other signs of infection.

Causes of abscess:

An abscess is essentially caused by infection, largely bacterial infection. It can also be caused by parasite infection. An abscess may be caused or triggered by a foreign body or physical trauma or injury.

Why does one get an abscess?

An abscess is a sign of the body's reaction to infection or trauma. It is a sign of the body's defense mechanism at work whereby an army of white blood cells start fighting against the infection or foreign body and lead to pus formation. In this process, there will be inflammation, swelling, painfulness and even fever.

Who gets frequent abscesses or boils?

A condition of frequent abscesses especially on the skin is a common phenomenon, suggesting an underlying faulty immune system. In such cases, the underlying immunity calls for treatment besides addressing local infection as a stand-alone problem.

Where does one get an abscess?

Abscesses can occur on any part of the body or organ. Some of the common sites are Skin, mouth, liver, lungs, bones, appendix, mouth, spine, nose, sinus, tonsils, etc. It depends on the individual tendency to catch infection; which in turn is governed by the genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of abscess:

The most common symptoms are a pain, swelling, redness, pus formation, discharge, and fever. Also, depending on the site of an abscess, some symptoms may vary. For example, in the case of abscess of the brain, there will be neurological symptoms; and likewise. If the infection is severe and uncontrolled, there is a possibility of its spread to other parts of the body. Severer infection may lead to a serious condition called septicemia.

Treatment of abscess:

Conventional treatment: Abscess due to bacterial infection respond to antibiotics. In case of the un-ruptured pocket of pus, drainage may be required.

Role of homeopathy for abscess:

Acute abscess of recent origin can respond to homeopathic medicines; however, it may take little longer than antibiotics.
Homeopathy is best indicated in the cases of 1. Frequent abscesses 2. Prolonged (chronic) abscess 3. Resistant abscess.
In the above three categories, the formation of an abscess is surely a sign of altered underlying immunity, which can be treated effectively using homeopathy.
Homeopathy is strongly indicated for recurring and resistant cases of abscesses. More reading: Case studies of Recurrent boils.


 Piles also known as Haemorrhoids are swollen and dilated veins within the anal  canal in the subepithelial region formed by radicles of superior, middle and inferior rectal veins.



Piles are clearly devided into two categories
       Internal Piles:- Piles that occur within the anal canal and internal to anal orifice. It is covered with the mucous membrane and is bright red or purple in color.
       External Piles:-  Piles that occur outside the anal orifice and is covered with skin.

Sometimes the two types co-exist and the condition is called Intero-external piles.

There are number of factors that believed to play role in the formation of Piles.
       Hereditary:- Often seen in the members of same family.
       Chronic Constipation:- Tendency of constipation is cured by homeopathy otherwise there is chances of relapse.
       Obesity:- Due to increased pressure in rectum.
       Chronic Cough:- Due to increased intra abdominal pressure and pressure in rectum.
       Low Fiber Diet- Adding fibre and bulk forming compounds can prevent piles formation.
During pregnancy, pressure from the foetus on the abdomen and hormonal changes cause the hemorrhoidal vessels to enlarge. The birth of the baby also leads to increased intra-abdominal pressure..
       Overuse of laxatives and enemas.
       Habitual heavy weight lifting.


In about 40% cases of pathological haemorrhoids there are no significant symptoms. Symptoms may vary upon the location of the piles, duration, general health and age of the patient.

   Bleeding:- Bleeding is bright red, painless and occurs alongwith passing stool. The patient complaints that it splashes in the pan as the stool comes out. This may continue for months or even years.

    Pain:- Pain is not characteristic of haemorrhoids unless there is thrombosis or there is associated fissure in anus.

     Mucous discharge:- It is a symptom of prolapsed haemorrhoids which softens and excoriates the skin of the anus. This mucous discharge is due to engorged mucous membrane. Itching in the anus is caused by such mucous discharge.

     Prolapse:- It is a later symptom. Internal Piles are classified into four grades according to the degree of prolapsed.
    Grade 1 Piles- Small swelling inside anus. Haemorrhoids does not come out of anus.
     Grade 2 Piles:- Haemorrhoids comes out only during stool and is reduced spontaneously after stool.
     Grade 3 Piles:- Haemorrhoids comes out only during passing stool and do not return by themselves, but need to be push back manually and then they stay reduced.
     Grade 4 piles:- Haemorrhoids that are permanently prolapsed. At this stage great discomfort is complained with feeling of heaviness in the rectum.



  • Avoid rich and oily food.
  • Avoid  to take meat and highly protein diet as it aggravates constipation.
  • Increases intake of fluid (Juices & Water).
  • Take high fibrous food.
  • Take proper sleep.
  • Take fruits with pulp and vegetable.
  • Control your weight through regular exercise.


Homeopathy is the most effective and most safe and non invasive treatment for the treatment of piles. Selection of Homeopathic Medicine for piles is based upon holistic approach with considering patient as a whole with emphasis upon piles symptoms. Homeopathy cures piles problem from it’s root as it become balance in the organism with cure of habitual constipation and looseness of veins in the rectum.  As Homeopathic treatment modify the genetic tendency to piles so there is least chance of relapse. Grade 1,2,3 piles can be cured by Homeopathy, Grade 4 piles get relief of symptoms but may not be completely cured.






Homeopathic Treatment for Acne


Acne or pimples is a common skin condition frequently seen in young individuals during teenage and youth years. This occurs mainly due to the action of hormones on the oil glands in the skin. The draining ducts of the oil glands get blocked and hence they are not able to drain the oil secretion. The oil and cells inside the blocked gland form a perfect environment for the growth of Propionibacterium acnes (the organism responsible for acne). Thus, it results in the formation of pimples or acne.

Acne usually occurs on the face, chest, back, shoulders and neck. It is one of the most common skin conditions. Although acne is not a serious threat to the health, yet it can lead to scarring and disfigurement of the face that can have a significant impact on the patient.

Various Forms of Acne

Whiteheads and blackheads (Comedones): White or black tiny bumps on the skin which are nothing but the enlarged and plugged hair follicles.

Pustules (pimples): Pus-filled lesions that may appear red at the base.

Nodules: Large, painful, solid lesions that are lodged deep in the skin.

Whiteheads and blackheads (Comedones): White or black tiny bumps on the skin which are nothing but the enlarged and plugged hair follicles.

Causes of Acne:

One of the most important causes is the increase in the male hormones (androgens) that occurs in boys as well as girls during puberty. These hormones cause increased production of sebum (oil) and hence result in acne.
Acne with Scaring on faceHormonal changes related to pregnancy or such changes caused by starting or stopping birth control pills can also cause acne. Another factor is heredity or genetics; there is evidence to support the fact that the tendency to develop acne can be inherited from parents. Apart from this certain drugs, including androgens and lithium, are also known to cause acne. Greasy cosmetics may cause further plugging of the follicles in the skin and hence can precipitate the onset of acne.
Majority of people who develop acne are between the ages of 12 and 25. For most people, acne tends to go away by the time they reach their thirties; however, some people in their forties and fifties continue to have this skin problem.

Homeopathic Treatment Allergic Disorders:


Allergy is nothing but an exaggerated response of the body to certain external or internal agents, whereby body reacts in the form of symptoms such as itching, running of the nose, wheeze, inflammation, swelling, skin rash, etc. All the symptoms as above are simply expressions of an allergic process.


All kind of allergic disorders finds excellent treatment with homeopathy. For a long time, allergic conditions have been considered incurable merely due to the ignorance about the amazing benefits of homeopathy. Respiratory allergy, asthma, skin allergy, pollen allergy, frequent colds, childhood asthma, etc. just to name a few, are treated with tremendous success with well planned homeopathic treatment.

The suggestion about homeopathic treatment:

Homeopathic treatment is very strongly recommended for all sorts of allergic disorders.
Related diseases: Frequent colds, Asthma (adult), Childhood asthma, Urticaria
Case Studies of Allergy,Case Studies of other diseases,Information about other diseases


Alopecia Areata ('baldness in spots') is a form of hair loss, usually from the scalp, although it can affect other areas of the body. The hair loss mostly remains limited to the scalp but in certain cases, it can extend to eyebrows, eyelashes, facial hair (beard, mustache), nasal hair and give rise to bald spots anywhere in the body. Alopecia Areata is a common condition which arises largely due to a mix of immunological and hormonal factors.
Alopecia Areata can affect both men and women and it is not uncommon to see children affected by this disorder. Approximately 2% of the general population worldwide suffers from Alopecia Areata. We come across many children with Alopecia Areata.

Understanding Alopecia Areata:

The hair is made up of a protein called keratin which is also the main constituent of nails. A specialized structure of the skin called ‘Papilla' produces the hair as shown in the figure. The papilla is surrounded by a sac-like structure called the ‘Hair follicle' which also surrounds rest of the hair root within the skin. The part of the hair outside the skin surface is called a shaft.
Alopecia Areata is considered to be an auto-immune condition in which the immune system of the body (which protects the body from bacteria and viruses) mistakenly attacks the hair follicles and destroys them. This leads to hair loss in the affected area.
The commonest presentation of Alopecia Areata is the appearance of bald patches on the scalp. In most cases, hair falls out in small, round patches about the size of a small coin. The patient may have single or multiple such patches. In some cases, these patches may remain static, whereas in some cases the patches may spread to involve larger areas of the scalp. In some cases, hair loss is more extensive. Although it is not very common, the disease can progress to cause total loss of hair on the head (Alopecia Areata totalis) or complete loss of hair on the head, face, and rest of the body (Alopecia Areata Universalis).

Alopecia Areata monolocularis:In this condition, there is a single bald spot on the scalp.
Alopecia Areata multilocularis:In this condition, there are multiple bald spots on the scalp.
Alopecia Areata totalis:In this condition, the patient loses all the hair on the scalp.
Alopecia Areata universalis:In this condition, all body hair, including pubic hair, is lost.
Alopecia Areata barbae:In this condition, the disease is limited only to the beard region.

Traction alopecia:

In this condition, alopecia develops along the frontal margins and temporal margins of the scalp due to constant tension on the hair from being tied very tightly.
It is important for all cases of Alopecia Areata to rule out two conditions, which often accompany: 1. Underactive Thyroid (Hypothyroidism) 2. Diabetes Mellitus
All three of them are auto-immune diseases and their treatment and prognosis is dependent on control of all of them at the same time, as observed in a large number of cases treated.


Impetigo is one of the most common Pediatric Skin Complaints caused by Gram Positive Bacteria and highly contagious. It may occur as a primary infection of the epidermis or secondary to any trauma  or breach of the skin.

  • While the exact prevalence is unclear, it is estimated to account for 10% of pediatric skin complaints.

  • It is more common 2-5 year old age group. Males and females are equally affected.

  • It shows a seasonal tendency and is more prevalent in hot and humid season.

Types, Signs & Symptoms:

Depending on the signs & symptoms it is of 3 types-

  1. Nonbullous Impetigo/Contagious Impetigo.

  2. Bullous Impetigo.

  3. Ecthyma.

1. Nonbullous/ Contagious Impetigo:

Nonbullous Impetigo often appears as vesicles that Coalesce and rupture and purulent exudates forms characteristic honey colored crust. Sores are not painful but they may be itchy. Touching and scratching the sores easily spreads the sores to the other parts of the body. Rapid spread and satellite lesions can occur with mild lymph-adenopathy. Systemic lesions such as fever is typically absent. The causative organism is mostly Group A Streptococcous.

2. Bullous Impetigo:

The bullous type exclusively affects the infants. It usually presents as painless, fluid filled blisters containing yellow or dark colored fluid. This may rupture exposing an erythematous  base and rim. Honey colored crusts are not formed in bullous impetigo. Usually no lymphadenopathy occurs, fever is a common presentation. Causative organism is is mostly staphylococcous  aureus.


3. Ecthyma:

Ecthyma, the nonbullous form of impetigo, produces painful fluid or pus filled sores with redness of the skin, usually on the arms and legs. After they break open, they form hard, thick, gray yellow scabs, which sometimes leave scars.

Causative Factors:
  • Non bullous Impetigo is primarily caused by Group A Streptococcous (GAS).

  • Impetigo is commonly caused by Staphylococcous aureus.

Predisposing Factors:
  • Impetigo is more common in 2-5 years old age group. Male & female are equally affected, especially those attend school or day care.

  • Malnutrition, Diabetes and Immune Suppression predispose individual to the development of Impetigo.

  • It is also triggered by other viral infections such as herpes and varicella and other causes of skin breach such as burns, trauma and insect bites.

  • The infection is spread by direct contact with the lesions or with nasal carriers. Touching or scratching of the sores may easily spread the infection to the other parts of the body.

  • The incubation period is 1-3 days after exposure to the Streptococcus and 4-10 days for Staphylococcous. Dried streptococci in the air are not infectious to intact skin.


The diagnosis of impetigo is by rule a clinical diagnosis based on it’s appearance. If visual & clinical diagnosis is unclear a Culture may be done to test for resistant bacteria.

Differential Diagnosis:

Differential diagnosis must be made between other pruritic lesions common in pediatric age group, such as-

  • Herpes simplex.

  • Scabies.

  • Atopic & Contact Dermatitis.

  • Varicella Zoster.

  • Cutaneous Candidiasis.

  • Dermatophytodes.

  • Bockhast Impetigo.

The characteristic Honey Colored crusts usually signify impetigo abd help it differentiating from other pruritic lesions.  

  • Approximately 20% of impetigo cases are capable of self resolution and antibiotics have shown to shorten the disease duration and avert complications that may affect the kidneys, impact the joints or result in acute rheumatic fever.

  • Without treatment it resolves  in 2-3 weeks and with conventional treatment it resolves in 10 days.

Homeopathic Treatment for Impetigo:

According to our experience at Good Health Homeo Clinic, Homeopathy is highly effective and recommended in treating Impetigo. There is most of the time quick and rapid recovery from Homeopathic treatment than conventional medicine.  With Homeopathic Treatment we have Rapid Cure of Impetigo cases within 3-4 Days. Thus in Impetigo cases it is much more effective than allopathic treatment.

How Classical Homeopathy can help in Impetigo?
  • Classical Homeopathic approaches in Impetigo cases in a Holistic, Individualized manner. That means that it takes into consideration the hereditary predisposition, circumstantial stress, disease suffered in the past, drugs & vaccination given and reaction to them, mental & emotional symptoms of the patient, food desire and aversions and characteristic symptoms of the patient.

  • Homeopathic medicine acts by boosting the immune system by promotion of B-cell activity which is shown to be crucial for effective clearance  of the infection.

  • In Non-bullous & Bullous Impetigo it cures the condition within 2-4 days.

  • Homeopathic treatment for Impetigo is completely safe, harmless, highly effective and non toxic.